Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Construction problems in geometry I

I always loved construction problems.  I will write a lot about them.  Today I talked to my high school math teacher and among other things I mentioned constructions with a compass only.  He replied that constructions with  a straight edge only are the interesting kind as well.  I have never seen one before, so he immediately gave me one to solve.  It is relatively simple, but I like it.
You are given an arbitrary circle.  A diameter is drawn in this circle.  You are also given a point outside the circle.  Using straight edge only, construct a perpendicular line from a given point to a given diameter.  
When solving, do not forget that a perpendicular line can intercept a diameter itself or its continuation.
I will post a solution in the next post in order not to spoil someone a pleasure to find a solution by oneself.

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